Wine information > French wine history > Burgundy wine

Burgundy wine

Wines of Burgendy

Burgundies are the wines that come from the
Haute-Bourgogne (Cote d'Or), Basse-Bourgogne (Yonne, etc.) of Maconnais (Sao^ne et Loire), and Beaujolais (Rhone).

They are, in general, fuller in body and of greater alcoholic strength than Clarets. Burgundy is the most fragrant of all red wines, is equally pleasing to the eye and to the olfactory sense; it possesses a fine clear dark-red colour which no mixture of grape-juice, spirit and sugar can ever approach.

Burgundy fulfils on the palate the promises held out by its fine colour and charming bouquet; soft and velvety, Burgundy never is 'sugary;' warm and generous, it never is ` spirity ;' delicate,
it never is vapid as the last sip is swallowed. Burgundy leaves in the palate a most pleasing 'farewell,' never a watery or fiery taste. The popular belief that Burgundy is a heavy, inky wine is due, like many such beliefs, not to facts, but to fiction. The black vinous brews sold under the name of 'Burgundy' or the appella-
tion 'Burgundy-type' by retailers often more ignorant than disho-nest, are a gross libel upon the highly-bred, delicate, and delicious wines of Burgundy.' A characteristic passage which, as
the reader will guess, is quoted for its warnings as well as for its appreciations. Among the best wines of the Cote d'Or vineyards may be mentioned:

The classification of Sauternes

Grand First Growth
Clos de Vougeot
Nuits St. Georges


whilst many fine wines come from Pommard, Volnay, Beaune, Chassagne, Savigny, etc.

Red Burgundy is, at a formal dinner, drunk with the roast. Burgundy will go on maturing for thirty or forty years. For decanting, use the same procedure as with Claret.